Hey Alan. Just bought your book!

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oh hey Ann Leckie is tight! AnnaLee Newitz also wrote a book called "autonomous" that also feels like a similar fit of great rad writing that happens to fit the narrow criteria of marketable fiction.

I know that Polish art cultures (i'm sure they weren't the only ones) were stifled pretty dramatically with the imposition of Socialist Realism during their time under USSR domination. I'm curious what parallels there are with our circumstances. Feels like there's some lessons in there somewhere :p

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Well hello Alan.

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i have a couple comments

1. aside from the question of imagination, what do you think of the notion that humanist ideology is embedded in the fetish of "storytelling" in particular? i.e. the fact that in liberal humanism/liberalism specifically, there is always an obsession as "storytelling" as the one thing that they can use to indicate a (fraudulently imo) universal "human experience"-- all "cultures" do "storytelling" so that means there is something essentially Human in storytelling? ... actually where do you stand on humanism in general? it seems to me like a key building block of a lot of horrible things happening to us but anarchists are divided on this question in my experience. maybe i'd know the answer already if i read more carefully so i could give that a try.

2. re imagination what do you think of the idea that creating incoherence and unintelligibility is part of the treasure of that/ rather than creating streamlined forms of "insight" and understanding? what do you think is the value of coherence, if any?

3. do you have any advice for me to get my novels published as a person with no career or connections or others like me in this circumstance? i had assumed it was not even worth trying for a lot of the reasons you delineated in this post but just from curiosity figured i'd ask.

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