Sep 21Liked by Peter Gelderloos

Follow-up question: You write: "Switzerland qualifies as segregated, because of the degree to which racism is legally and structurally integrated." I live in this country, and i agree with the structural part, there are a lot of police killings of black men, specifically in one part of Switzerland. But afaik (as of now) this is not legally based. Could you maybe point me to some articles where i could read up on this further?

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It would classify as a tacit segregation-- various legal bans targeting Muslims, like the minaret ban, all the restrictions around who can become a resident or citizen that systematically exclude non-Europeans, plus all the specific violence against Africans... the requirement that-- I think I'm summarizing this accurately--only third generation residents born in Switzerland automatically qualify for citizenship? Which definitely favors white residents and Europeans, while making it easier to deport and restrict the rights of "newer immigrants" without ever naming race or country of origin.

There's a little bit here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Racism_in_Europe#Switzerland

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Yes, damn, i must have slipped into a temporary bout of denial. The minaret ban from 2009 and later the burka ban from 2021 are of course forms of legally integrated racism. For the third generation you are also correct, but it's not automatic at all. Here's the official website describing the conditions: https://www.sem.admin.ch/sem/en/home/integration-einbuergerung/schweizer-werden/3-generation.html. Especially salient is point e. You are successfully integrated. What does that even mean?! We are also currently hearing of cases of second generation italians who get deported even though they were born here and became drug addicts here [sorry german]: https://www.woz.ch/2437/landesverweise/manus-abgang/!NKXC17G1C2C3

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Hey just an FYI that the word 'aborigonies' is largely considered a slur today. Aboriginal people or Indigenous is the better term to use.

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Helotic captivity by the Spartans definitely meets or exceeds Roman for brutality

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