All hierarchies are authoritarian. All governments are hierarchies. Therefore, no matter what you call it, all states are AUTHORITARIAN. Democracy is a myth.

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The first paragraph really summed up how I’ve been feeling lately.

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It is necessary to find the cause of the climate crisis. We tend to blame the evil fossil fuel merchants and their friends in government. These people are fueling and encouraging the crisis, but the cause is us. We have come to expect our material wealth and comfort to grow as we age. We have made it abundantly clear to our rulers that increasing our wealth is their most important job, important than anything else, including avoiding climate collapse. If they fail to make us rich, we replace them. This means no government in the world can do what it takes to reign in emissions because that would entail slowing the economy. They would be turfed out and replaced with a mob that would get the economy going again by deploying more fossil fuels, as we can see is happening in the U.S.


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